Slappy Words

Grow more eloquent every day by exercising your brain with these word search puzzles.

Find the words as quickly as you can.

100 SAT Level Words to find makes Slappy Words your daily brain exercise machine in your pocket.

From the day we're born to the day we die, our brains continuously revises and remodels, improving or slowly declining, as a function of how we use it. If a brain is exercised properly, anyone can grow intelligence, at any age, and potentially by a lot.

Check-in Daily

Rejuvenate your brain's accuracy, reliability and problem-solving ability daily.

Increase Your Accuracy

Arithmetic performance can be learned and accuracy improved.

You Are Not Alone

Performance increases in groups. See how you stack up against your friends and improve the team's overall performance.

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Available on the AppStore

Slappy Words is your daily brain exercise machine in your pocket to grow your vocabulary and intelligence.